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Foundations for Bee-ing Well!

Writer's picture: MellyBeeMellyBee

Updated: Dec 3, 2022

My health awakening happened in 2018. Although the truth is - I have always had a very intuitive connection with my body and therefore on some level understood I was doing it harm when I went too far with my consumption. Here is what my life looked like for decades: pain, depression, pain, rheumatoid arthritis, pain, digestive issues, pain, anxiety, pain and finally cancer.

During my own healing journey, I learned to trust my own intuition and follow the doctors and functional, medically-minded health practitioners who were focused on root-cause medicine. These professionals just felt right- they were not proponents of shoving pills down your throat to combat symptomology. They helped me learn that every piece of your diagnostic puzzle has a root cause. This can look very different for everyone! Personally, a lot of my root-cause issues delt with Trauma! Trauma? For Rheumatoid Arthritis? Yep! For Cancer? Yep! Trauma! Deep-seeded trauma can manifest all forms of dis-ease within the body, including CANCER!

During my personal health awakening, I learned to listen to my inner self, my higher knowing. It was really do-or-die- I could be the victim; keep up the same lifestyle and blame my genetics and accept that for the rest of my life I will grow tumors because of my genetic condition (BAP1 Tumor Predisposition Syndrome)- even though I had learned from some of the best doctors, ones that told me I could be my own best doctor and heal, (thank you @theholisticphychologist and @Dr.Jess M.D.) That I could change my current trajectory- because genetics are only about 25% of your lived experience- the rest- it’s your lifestyle and exposure to environmental toxins and stealth pathogens. I could sit in my misery and discomfort from being overweight and metabolically unhealthy. Or I could actually DO what people always claim:” I’d do anything to lose weight and feel better!” But, do they?

Doing Anything looks like digging into what is making your body in a state of dis-ease. That includes your daily habits and the foods that you put into your body. It also looks like taking control of your mind- not letting it go off the rails when the going gets tough. It means starting at the bottom and building up! Create a strong foundation! Where should you start?

Foundations for a Healthy, Well, YOU:

Food: Real, nutrient-dense, whole food! This means NOT from a package, friends. Packaged “meals” are not real food. They are laden with chemicals and preservatives meant to keep them shelf-stable. These franken-foods cause systemic, cellular damage over time leading to disease. Be good to yourself! Food is medicine!

Water: Just filtering your water isn’t enough. Our water system is so messed up that you need to invest in a way to re-mineralize and restructure your water. Right now, out of your tap, there are countless toxins that lead to cellular decay and cancer including fluoride, chlorine, chromium, radium and nitrates. ( If you have a reverse osmosis system- how do you get the trace minerals usually found in water? You don’t. They need to be added back in! I can give more info on water if you need it- but my solution was investing in a high-quality water ionizer that adds antioxidants back into my water after it is filtered and structured.

Sleep: Quality sleep belongs in the foundation for your wellness journey. Sleep is where your body restores and heals itself. If you’re sleeping with the TV on- you miss a part of sleep that is essential to recover as your brain is still listening on a subconscious level. Similarly, if you look at your phone in bed, that blue light triggers your brain to think it’s still day-time! How well do you rest in the day? Not as well as in the night, right? No coincidence here- circadian rhythm is a natural, innate system for the perfect sleep. Exposing your eyes to sunlight right away in the morning and then not exposing them to unnatural light for at least an hour before bed- can be a game changer for setting your circadian rhythm and having restful sleep.

Movement: Consider for a moment, your ancestors; do you think their jobs had them sitting put for 8 hours a day, playing candy crush on their breaks? No. humans were meant to move. If you do not intentionally move your body every single day- even a walk- you are priming yourself for all of the icky-ness that comes with a sedentary lifestyle. The following study from the NIH includes what a full 1/3 of the population has to look forward to by maintaining this lack of activity. It includes obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer, osteoporosis and many others. ( )

Gratitude: Even if you have the other foundational issues covered, you can blow them all up by simply having a crappy attitude. Being grateful for your life is so important in feeling your best. If this means that you need to resolve some underlying issues to get to this point- do it. It took me nearly a decade of counseling until I finally broke down my issues enough to resolve them. And then, it took a lot of intentionality to implement what I had learned. One thing that helped is doing a gratitude journal. Every day, for months, 5 minutes of my day were dedicated to writing at least three things I felt blessed and grateful for. Before I knew it, I was turning negativity into positivity on my own. I just had to lay the framework to have it possible.

Sunshine and Nature: Let’s revisit your ancestors again. Do you think they sat inside all day every day? They probably wouldn’t have survived had they done that, work needed to be done! And it’s still true today- although the work is different, it’s of utmost importance to connect with nature and integrate sunshine into your life. Humans ARE nature. Although we remove ourselves from it-we are in fact simple creatures who thrive among the trees and sunshine. Our bodies utilize the sun to synthesize vitamin D! A synthetic supplement is nowhere as effective as true exposure. Sunlight has such an impactful effect on mental health, countless studies have been published to this effect. Here is just one article from Healthline: (

Breaking down these key areas of the foundation for health is what Lifestyle Coaches do best. Most of us have lived this and helped people we love before we ever delved into learning how to take clients for this purpose. We do it because we genuinely believe that every person deserves to feel their best and BEE WELL. If I can help you get back to feeling like your old self, please reach out!

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