ILife. Man-o-man it's taken me on a most awesome adventure. Sometimes it's been intense. Sometimes it's been tragic. Other times it's been hilarious. It's often been trying, frustrating, and then others, beautiful. It's always helped me grow. If I didn't know it at the time, I do now. Today, I'm capable of self-reflection and understand it's implications. I know I have been very wrong before. I know I have hurt. I know it, and I've suffered learning lessons. I've made mistakes, I believe I'll share many of them, because from there I learned, and since I tend to fuck-up big, the lessons are also large! I am someone who wants to share the lessons in life and help break them down for you. Hopefully, when you witness my growth, it will inspire it in you. Growing is the most beautiful thing I have ever accomplished and I'm proud. We don't all think the same, a lot of us have baggage that makes life heavy, it's turned the nicest into skeptics and critics. But, if we give it a second look, this thing called life, we see it's all about perspective and often times our experiences color the lenses we view it through. Many times over the years my friends have told me I should be a counselor, I should write a book, I should do xyz because I have a talent of being able to articulate how others, and myself feel. I'm able to break it down so you almost feel it too. It's a gift. And, it's a curse. Lessons, friends. They're going to happen whether you're on board or not, what do you say we all learn from one another, huh? I'm ready to grow. Welcome to my blog.